FREE Pocket Guide on visiting care homes in stages - Scotland (Last update: 25.08.20) | QCS

FREE Pocket Guide on visiting care homes in stages – Scotland (Last update: 25.08.20)

Dementia Care
August 25, 2020

Download our free Pocket Guide on visiting care homes here


As has been announced by the Scottish Government back in July, care homes are starting to support residents to see their families in person again. It is a much-needed step forward for those people who have been unable to see their loved ones throughout the crisis. However, protecting the residents, staff and visitors are still the main priority. Hence, a four-stage approach was presented by the Government to reintroduce visiting in Scotland’s care homes.

With our Pocket Guide, you can print them out and keep them with you easily. It means that you don’t have to worry about remembering all the guidance and you can access the key information right away when you need them. It includes:

  • Guidelines at all four stages (including the current stage)
  • Required conditions and settings for all stages
  • Definition of an essential visit
  • Definition of a designated visitor