Download our GP NHSEI update here. It includes information on the carer funding, SystmOne Practices and more!
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In this Bulletin:
- Carer Funding – Available to Qualified GPs on the Induction and Refresher Scheme – Returning to Practice
- SystmOne Practices: New Electronic Notifications for the Urgent Supply of Medicines
- Supporting Learning from Deaths Reviews (LeDeR) for People with a Learning Disability
- Alerts and Recalls
- Website Compliance – Accessibility Standards
A) Carer Funding – Available to Qualified GPs on the Induction and Refresher Scheme – Returning to Practice
Funding is available to provide financial help towards the cost of childcare and caring responsibilities for GPs on the NHS GP Induction and Refresher Scheme for those returning to general practice from the UK. It will also be available to those GPs with other caring responsibilities. Up to £2,000 will be available to claim for the cost of childcare for each child whilst on the scheme and those with caring responsibilities. The funding is in addition to the £3,500 per month bursary and other funding that GPs on the scheme can claim. The funding will be available from 1 April 2020 until 31 March 2022.
B) SystmOne Practices: New Electronic Notifications for the Urgent Supply of Medicines
SystmOne Practices can now receive electronic notifications from pharmacies about the urgent supply of medicines, and pharmacy administered flu vaccinations, as part of the NHS Community Pharmacy Consultation Service (CPCS). This informs the practice that a registered patient practice has received an urgent supply of medicine from a community pharmacy.
The notifications arrive as a workflow task and include ‘structured’ information, which means the information can be added directly to a patient’s record without having to transcribe it manually. Not all pharmacies can send the electronic notifications yet, so it is important to continue to check for notifications received via NHSmail or post.
More information, including user guidance and training materials, is available on the NHS Digital website.
C) Supporting Learning from Deaths Reviews (LeDeR) for People with a Learning Disability
Practices are asked to support Learning from Deaths Reviews for people with a learning disability and release case notes to reviewers, ideally within a week of a request being made, using the secure LeDeR web-based portal.
D) NHS People Plan
NHSEI and Health Education England (HEE) have published the next part of the NHS People Plan – We are the NHS: People Plan for 2020/2021 – action for us all which was published alongside the Our NHS People Promise plan.
The ambition of the People Plan “is for the NHS to be the best place for people to receive their care but also the best place for staff to work,” Sir David Behan, Chair of Health Education England.
E) Alerts and Recalls
Here is a summary of:
- Medical Device Alerts issued by the MHRA in June 2020
- Letters and drug alerts sent to healthcare professionals in June 2020
To report a suspected problem or incident, use the Yellow Card Scheme.
F) Website Compliance – Accessibility Standards
Practices should contact their website provider to check they are compliant with the accessibility standards. If they are, then they should provide a statement of compliance. If not, they should make clear their plans and timescales to reach compliance by 23 September 2020. It is the practice’s responsibility to commission an accessible compliant website.