Management and Leadership podcast, joined by our COO! | QCS

Management and Leadership podcast, joined by our COO!

Dementia Care
April 9, 2020

Followed by the first podcast with CHM on Infection Control, our COO, Nikki Walker joined their second COVID-19 special podcast roundtable.

This time, the podcast discusses the management and leadership challenges faced by care homes during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Our COO is joined by a panel comprises Fiona Hale, managing director at CoolCare; Sybille Steiner, partner at Irwin Mitchell and Anne Myrup product director at Planday.

They discuss:

  • How to manage a care home in a crisis
  • What to focus on and how to prioritise
  • The importance of having a crisis plan now and in the future
  • Why clear and open communication with all staff is crucial
  • How digital technology can help managers to lead effectively
  • Why employment law must not be ignored during a crisis
  • The importance of data collection, so the business continues

You can listen to the podcast here: 

The original podcast can be found here: