Update on Scottish Changes | QCS

Update on Scottish Changes

April 6, 2018

At QCS, we have been very busy developing new processes to enhance your Quality Assurance System and keep you abreast of the changes coming into Scotland.

As you will know, Duty of Candour became active from 1st April 2018 followed by a policy with the accompanying forms.

The National Care Standards are replaced by the Health and Social Care Standards on 1st April 2018 and we will be releasing an over-arching policy on this very soon. You should prepare by sharing with staff and inform residents and relatives of this new document from the Scottish Government, after all the standards were devised to inform all users of care what they can expect from any provider of care in Scotland, all very exciting.

There is also a short presentation which is very informative, this can be viewed here. 

The consultation on the draft inspection framework for care homes with older people ended on Friday 23rd February 2018 and we have been eagerly awaiting for the final methodology to be released. From the 1st April 2018, the new framework will be used in care homes for elderly people.

I have spoken with the Care Inspectorate and they informed me that the framework will remain in draft whilst they conduct inspections in pilot sites, and once they are confident the process is correct, they will then release the final product. At QCS, we will continue with the development work and share these exciting new tools with you very soon!

Senga Currie
Senga Currie

Head of Care Development (Scotland)


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