QCS Badge | QCS

QCS Badge

Displaying your badge is easy:

  1. Simply choose your service type below
  2. Copy the relevant code and have your webmaster or web developer put the code on your website

The Light Badge

<a href="https://www.qcs.co.uk/qcs-compliance-centre/" title="QCS Compliance Centre" target="_blank">
    <img src="https://www.qcs.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Light_Badge23.png" alt="User of QCS Compliance Centre"/>

The Dark Badge

<a href="https://www.qcs.co.uk/qcs-compliance-centre/" title="QCS Compliance Centre" target="_blank">
    <img src="https://www.qcs.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Dark_Badge23.png" alt="User of QCS Compliance Centre"/>

How to place the QCS badge in your printed materials

Please contact us to discuss your requirement for print-ready versions of the badge.