The announcement last week that all Registered Social Care providers can now (at least temporarily) access NHSmail via a fast track route was really important for so many care providers.
Once registered you will have immediate access to the NHS and the NHS will have access to you. Importantly for many of us at this difficult time once you are registered, I understand, you will be invited to submit information about any vacancies that you have. A care home that I know in the South West received two new admissions four days after they registered their vacancies.
I also think that you will be able to access information more easily about critical things, such as PPE, at this challenging time
Therefore, we have summarised the key steps for you to help you register, which you can download here:
Download Now
Alternatively, you can read the steps below.
- To register for NHSmail you should follow these instructions: Go to:
- Then you need to follow instructions in “How to Register”.
- You should complete the Social Care Provider NHSmail Form, this is a straightforward form.
- The only thing I would advise you about is the ODS code. You need to have your ODS Code to complete the registration form and you should keep the ODS code in case you need it again.
- When you go to the ODS portal:
- Just fill in your Post Code and press enter.
- For some of you several providers will come up and you should, of course, select your own service.
- If more than one code comes up for your service choose the one beginning with V.
- The rest of it is straightforward and please make sure you read all of the briefing paper.