The COVID-19 pandemic gave people the opportunity for different ways of working and as a result of this a new hybrid form of working has evolved. As the move towards a more normal way of life has taken place, people will continue to gradually move back towards office working. For employers ensuring the safety of staff and those visiting the office environment, as we continue to live with COVID-19, is paramount.
Our COVID-19 Office Environment Audit will support with this process and allow you to ensure that all aspects of the office environment are safe and in line with current guidelines. The Audit considers key areas of an office environment including the office environment itself, hand hygiene, PPE and staff training that should be in place in relation to COVID-19. A supporting guidance document in how to complete the audit has also been provided and will allow a service to demonstrate how they are a well-managed service.
Where actions are identified, a simple action plan template sits alongside the audit to allow these to be documented and actioned as soon as possible.
Meeting the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014