CQC I Statement Posters Bundle | QCS

CQC I Statement Posters Bundle

Dementia Care

It’s essential for your health and social care service to understand the changes brought by CQC’s new single assessment framework.

‘I’ statements are at the core of the assessment framework for health and social care. They reflect what matters most to individuals receiving care, guiding the safety and quality of services.

Download the complete set of five of our CQC I statement posters, covering the key areas of Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led, to help you with:

  • Seamless Compliance: Stay ahead of regulatory requirements, including those set by the CQC.
  • Staff Training: Equip your team with a deep understanding of the ‘I statements’ within the new assessment framework.
  • Evidence Gathering: ‘I statements’ are a vital part of the people’s experience evidence category. A good understanding of these statements will help you effectively demonstrate this evidence to the CQC.
  • Quality Improvement: Understanding the ‘I statements’ for each key question is essential for making your services better and improving your standards.

Download your FREE POSTER BUNDLE below.


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