This week the CQC have published the results of their Provider Feedback survey undertaken with Adult Social Care providers from October 2013. Providers were encouraged to engage with the CQC and emails were sent in order to reach a wide audience.
Speak up!
This opportunity to give feedback on your inspection is one just too good to miss! It is crucial that the CQC engage with Providers after all, we are the workforce being regulated and experts by our own experience. Why not ask us for our comments on how they are performing?
An Inspector calls
My own experiences recently have been great and I have only positive comments on the inspections that we have had. I do believe it is vital that the inspector knows and understands the sector, as those that lack knowledge can struggle to understand how the business runs.
I recall one inspector asking for a weekly check of the all the report books kept in the service users homes. I explained this was near on impossible and something I would not have the manpower to do. I understand the need for regular checks of paperwork to ensure calls have been delivered, but given the electronic monitoring systems in use, providers know within 15 minutes of a call time if the service has not been delivered. I agree that checking the quality of the paperwork being completed and monitoring record keeping is critical after all, these are legal documents. But a weekly check? On all service users? I did not understand the reasoning and tried to negotiate with the inspector for a more appropriate timescale – every six/eight weeks? I felt my argument was not understood and maybe I was not explaining as well as I could. It came as no surprise to later learn that the inspector had a residential background and had only recently started to inspect homecare services.
Not surprisingly, those providers judged ‘non compliant’ were the least positive about the CQC’s role and their regulations, with 42% claiming the judgement was “unfair.” Some of the feedback comments were published in the report with some saying that the system is punitive rather than supportive, and that “regulation has increased to the point of having a negative effect with less and less time available to provide hands on care.”
Getting it right
I agree that administration and bureaucracy can hamper you in your mission to deliver high quality care at the front line. For me personally, using the QCS system has been critical in ensuring my company remains compliant with each regulatory requirement. Using the system means I can get on with the ‘important’ bit of delivering a safe, effective and caring service.