CQC strategy consultation – get involved! | QCS

CQC strategy consultation – get involved!

January 28, 2016

Shaping the future

This week the Care Quality Commission (CQC) launched its public consultation document on how its work will look for the next five years. The proposed strategy, ‘Shaping the future’, is available here. Here you can read the document, watch a presentation and respond to the consultation, which ends on March 14th.

The strategy document outlines the CQC’s proposed vision for 2016-2021 and how it intends to implement these changes.

It’s a long document, so here’s a quick ‘starter for ten’.

First off, the CQC’s five-year strategy is based upon the development and refining of its current model, so you can be confident that there are not going be any major changes in how you are inspected, or how your service will be judged.

However, the CQC is planning on:

  • using information that it has about you more effectively, and using information from other organisations
  • developing a clearer, shared vision of what quality means for all services
  • using smaller inspection teams, and reducing the frequency of inspections for where it thinks there is less risk of poor care
  • focusing more on the experience of the person using services and improving how domiciliary care inspections can do this
  • developing how it can use information from providers with more than one location
  • adopting a more flexible approach to registration.

The consultation also states that CQC will have fewer resources from government, so will be attracting more from the collection of fees. However, the overall amount will be significantly reduced and there will be a need for it to be more efficient.

Here at QCS we’ll be monitoring developments on the strategy, and our experts will be bringing you updates and comment over the coming weeks.

In the meantime, do read the consultation and respond to the CQC with your views. This is your opportunity to influence your relationship with your regulator!

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Ed Watkinson

Residential Care & Inspection Specialist


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