Person-Centred Support for Relatives – How are you supporting bereaved families? | QCS

Person-Centred Support for Relatives – How are you supporting bereaved families?

Dementia Care
May 31, 2022

Abi Spence, our QCS specialist, explains how our new resource can help you provide much support to those affected by loss.

‘Bereavement Support for social Care workers, families and loved ones’ is a new resource launched by QCS today and is now available for customers in the Resource Centre.

Person-centred Care Beyond the Person you Supported

I often look at the CQC framework and feel that although, rightly, it focuses on the people who need the service of providers….it does not extend sufficiently to those that grieve the loss of a loved one who was in a provider’s care.

Hospice UK says ‘the need to give personalised compassionate care does not end when the person has died but continues with care after death, including supporting friends and families into bereavement. We recognise that each death is a uniquely individual experience that reflects many aspects, such as the illness the person has experienced, their personal preferences if a preference could be expressed, and the social, cultural and religious aspects of the person’s life.’

New QCS Advice and Support

QCS has created a resource to show how you can offer support for the relatives and significant others of a person who has died.

You may be meeting a relative for the very first time at the death bed of an individual in your care or have chatted with them often. Each deserves the same empathy and consideration in your professional capacity.

The Simple Things

Often, at this point in time, it is the simple things that stand out – the cup of tea, listening, providing space – that will be etched on their mind as an act of compassion which brought light in a dark time.

The Beginning of Bereavement

But this is just the beginning of grief and bereavement for many. Beyond this, there are many practical things that the next of kin will need to do. This may all be in order, a welcome distraction or a horrifying thought.

With all of this in mind, QCS has launched resources to help you offer both practical and emotional support to bereaved families and friends. It recognises the different range of emotions that people feel and accepts that everyone is different.

Bite-sized Information

The bereavement advice and support contain resources which are easy to digest, containing help and support and separate guides highlighting the key information families need to consider.

What about Care Worker Support?

At QCS we understand that it is not just families and friends that feel the loss of a person supported by the service, but the members of staff who saw them frequently too. That is why our resources offer separate support for workers too.

Support Through the Pandemic

Never has this been more needed than in the pandemic, where many health and social care workers have not had the time to process the loss of residents or, in some cases, members of staff.

Explore what is Right for Each Individual

Each guide lets you explore ways you can support both families and care workers, as well as providing links to some of the most helpful web resources we have researched.

Advice and support are available to download with resources which go that extra mile to show you cared about the person who has died, and your thoughts are with those bereaved.

You can listen to our podcast on ‘Death and Bereavement: Person-centred support for relatives and friends’ below

Listen Here

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Abi Spence

Registration and Inspection Specialist


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