Understanding when things go wrong is an essential part of making sure an incident doesn’t happen again. Regulation 12 – Safe Care and Treatment states that incidents must be reviewed and thoroughly investigated by competent staff and monitored to make sure that action is taken to remedy the situation, prevent further occurrences and make sure that improvements are made as a result.
CQC can prosecute for a breach of this regulation or a breach of part of the regulation if a failure to meet the regulation results in avoidable harm to a person using the service or if a person using the service is exposed to a significant risk of harm.
As part of your good governance procedures, involving staff as part of the incident review will help prevent future occurrences and ensure lessons learned are embedded.
To support this process, we have created a Safeguarding Lessons Learned Template for use as part of your incident analysis. You will be able to use this template for any incident, including health and safety, ensuring each stage of your review process is fully documented and demonstrating your understanding and compliance with regulation 12.
Regulation 12 Safe Care and Treatment: