Self- evaluation = Improvement | QCS

Self- evaluation = Improvement

August 30, 2018

With the new framework for inspection (for care homes for older people) in use, we will soon be able to view the inspection reports and assess how to fully embrace the framework. The providers’ aim being to demonstrate that their service meets the standards and the outcomes experienced by the residents. By using the tool within their quality assurance process, improvement demonstrates the service is exceeding the outcomes experienced previously.

As we become familiar with the 5 key questions we must not forget the 6th  question what is our overall capacity for improvement?”, whilst not being inspected against at this time, it is important to consider and use in the quality assurance of the service.

Inspections are vital to provide assurance and support improvement, but so is robust, evidence-based self-evaluation. This is undertaken on a regular basis as part of a wider quality assurance approach which can be even more powerful in supporting continuous improvement.

A new animated slide show is available to share with staff, residents or relatives to help explain the new framework.

There is also an opportunity for staff to obtain certificates in the form of Open Badges within the SSSC website on the new Health and Social Care Standards.

Much of the rhetoric surrounding the new framework centres around self- evaluation and a constant strive for improvement. The new framework allows the auditor to use as a tool for measurement if service performance and action plan to further increase the outcomes experienced by those people in their care. Another aid has been developed to help people in their improvement journey.

NHS Education for Scotland have launched a new Measurement for Improvement E- Learning module on the QI Zone. This can be accessed via the digital platform Turas Learn here.

This is a fantastic online resource that offers an introduction to anyone working in Health and Social Care who wants to learn how to measure for improvement. This module aims to help staff identify what to measure, what data to collect, how to interpret the data and tell the quality improvement story. It is free to access and suitable for anyone working in the public-sector workforce looking to improve local services.

The Mock Inspection Toolkit we have devised at QCS uses the framework as a base for auditing and action planning to increase the service provision and subsequently improve grades awarded by the regulator.

Senga Currie
Senga Currie

Head of Care Development (Scotland)


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