WARNING: Incomplete system details could seriously damage your rating! | QCS

WARNING: Incomplete system details could seriously damage your rating!

Dementia Care
October 10, 2018


The importance of having fully completed details in your QCS system cannot be underestimated. Incomplete system details could have a direct impact on the outcome of your next CQC inspection.

From later this month, all QCS policies of customers that have incomplete system details, the following message will appear:

WARNING: Your system details are incomplete and so the content of this policy may not be customised to your organisation”

This message will disappear automatically, once your system details have been completed and your policies are compliant.

To ensure that all your system details are completely up to date, it is important that you enter any missing details as soon as possible. The more details that you enter, the more your policies will be populated by a myriad of custom fields within the system.

There over 8,000 custom fields across the entire system. Fortunately you are not required to supply 8,000 pieces of information! But you are required to supply all information necessary in the following areas:

  • Details about your company, which will populate throughout your policies.
  • Service Provider details, including useful information and contacts for your staff and clients. The CQC require these to be easily accessible.
  • Registered activities, which will appear at the beginning of your Statement of Purpose.
  • Registered Provider details including the legal entity responsible for carrying out the regulated activity.
  • Nominated individual details; Registered Manager details; Fees; Supplier information; Staff information; Training; Location services; Services bands; and GDPR.

To assist you with updating your system details, we will be sending out a Fact sheet, as well as some pre-recorded webinars, covering exactly what you need to do to ensure that your system details are updated.  In the meantime, it may be worth considering any areas of your system details that are currently incomplete.


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