As a domiciliary care worker, what do I do if I visit a client with dementia to administer medication and it’s not in a blister pack?
It is not 100% clear what is meant here.
If you mean from this question, what do you do if you arrive at the visit and the medication is missing from the appropriate section of the blister pack, then we would advise that you contact the GP for advice or 111 if out of hours, as the service user has either not taken the medication and the tablets are missing or they have consumed the medication, and it isn’t clear when they did this. It is best to seek medical advice to check for any adverse effects. Ensure that you have the list of medication ready. Be sure to also contact your domiciliary care provider’s office. Also, check the property for the missing tablets to avoid future potential overdose.
If you mean that the medication is in the original packaging and has not been placed in a monitored dosage pack by the pharmacist, please see the following:
The CQC guidance outlines that the service user has their medication issued in a way that promotes their independence as much as possible. This means that unless a specific need is identified for the use of a monitored dosage system, medicines should be issued in their original packaging.
Therefore, they can use a monitored dosage system provided by a pharmacist if that is what has been agreed at a GP medication review. Historically, this has often been the case in domiciliary care and many service users have their medication issued in this way.
A safe way of storing medication for people living with dementia is to install a medisafe which ensures that the medication is kept securely when there is a risk of the service user taking medication at the wrong time or the incorrect doses. This can be arranged through the individual themselves (if they have capacity) or their advocate/lasting power of attorney and is an effective way of ensuring that the medication is stored safely.