Katie Farrar | QCS

Katie Farrar

Katie qualified as an Occupational Therapist in the year 2000. For most of her professional career she has worked in the field of older people’s mental health services within community mental health teams. As part of this she has had extensive involvement with people with dementia and their carers, both in the community and in care home settings. Katie is currently working with the Dementia Pathway Team supporting people with dementia in the care home setting and particularly with advanced care planning for end of life care. She has also recently completed the Mental Health Act Best Interest Assessor Course at Leeds Beckett University.

Katie has developed and delivered training to care homes on dementia awareness, managing delirium and managing challenging behaviour. As well, she has supported carers to offer meaningful activities and experiences and provided guidance to care homes on improving environments to become dementia friendly. Read more

Dementia Care

Katie Farrar's Posts & Answers

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Robotic Pets for People with Dementia: Are we Barking up the Wrong Tree?

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Reminiscence: An Everyday Routine

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The Benefits of Nature in Dementia Care

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Dementia: The Bathing/Showering Challenge

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Gardening: A Purposeful Activity for People with Dementia

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Loneliness in Older Men in Care Homes

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Food for Thought: The Dining Experience and Dementia

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Emotional Needs and Difficult Behaviour in Dementia Care 

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