Care Inspectorate announces The Quality Framework | QCS

Care Inspectorate announces The Quality Framework

The draft framework was released earlier this year, after a consultation and further trials involving 50 care homes, the final framework has been released.

The new framework will be used by inspectors from July and they are now working on a framework for all other services. I have been busy at QCS and I’m pleased to say I have amended the relevant policies and compliance tools such as the 5 Mock Inspections mimicking the 5 Key Questions and 4 Satisfaction Surveys (for all stakeholders) to reflect the changes.

The draft framework and the final framework demonstrating changes

Within the overarching Mock Inspection Policy and the 5 Mock Inspections toolkits I have reproduced diagrams which demonstrates the themes which are embedded within the framework.

I would suggest printing and laminating them, and place in various areas of your service to enable all to become familiar with the new framework.

The Care Inspectorate state the new framework is designed to use in self – evaluation, inspection and to support improvement. Using the tools within the QCS system you will be measuring your service performance with the Mock Inspections, asking all stakeholders how you are doing via the satisfaction surveys, this information can then be used for self- improvement.

This diagram clearly includes all the 6 Key Questions and corresponding Quality Indicators.

You will note I have said 6 Key Questions and only have 5 Mock Inspections this is because the final key question, “What is the overall capacity for improvement” will not be inspected against for now, however I would always advise to have a development plan for your service, it helps all involved focus on the aims and objectives and future planning, a great motivator for improvement.

Grading remains the same with the 6-point grading scale:

6 = Excellent

5 = Very Good

4 = Good

3 = Adequate

2 = Weak

1 = Unsatisfactory

The frequency and intensity of inspections will depend, as before, on the intelligence held on the service, however the regulator has stated the Quality Indicators that will always be reviewed are 1.1,1.2,1.3, and 5.1. QCS however, advise you to review all Quality Indicators when conducting the Mock Inspections, only then will you arrive at an accurate reflection of your service provision.

Senga Currie

Senga Currie

Head of Care Development (Scotland)