Genuine Care | QCS

Genuine Care

Client Name:

Genuine Care


Domiciliary / Homecare Services


Full Care Management System

Kathy Maslan, the Registered Manager, set up Genuine Homecare Services in 2008 to care for people with disabilities, dementia and mental health conditions. Having the QCS system made the development of the business so much easier because although Kathy had to implement the QCS system, she didn’t need to worry about writing policies & procedures from scratch.

Kathy has complete confidence that as legislation and regulation changes, the QCS system will keep her up-to-date with these changes. This saves Kathy and her staff from worrying about trying to update policies themselves, reducing the amount of admin they need to do, and freeing up a lot more of their time to focus on their service users.

Genuine Care was rated an outstanding service in September 2016, which was which was a tremendous result.