Free webinar - ''Learning lessons from COVID-19'' (Link available now!) | QCS

Free webinar – ”Learning lessons from COVID-19” (Link available now!)

Dementia Care
July 1, 2020

Our latest webinar in partnership with the  on “Learning lessons from COVID-19 and planning for the future” is now available for free!

Watch Now

About the Webinar

COVID-19 has posed many challenges. Our Residential and Clinical Lead, Leah Cooke and Head of Care Quality, Philippa Shirtcliffe shared with us what they have learnt during this pandemic, what should care providers do to apply the lesson learnt and what QCS have to offer to help with future planning.

To ensure positive outcomes for people using services, providers must have a framework that supports the ability to identify, plan and implement improvements. COVID-19 has shaken up how services are delivered.

This webinar is an opportunity to pause and reflect on what we have learned from the pandemic, its impact on quality and safety and how that learning can be applied going forward.

Watch it now for free!


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