Download our GP Weekly Update here where we’ve highlighted some of the latest CQC Mythbusters
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Here are the latest CQC Mythbusters which have be updated in the last month:
- Nigel’s Surgery 40: GP Fit Note
- Nigel’s Surgery 20: Making Information Accessible
- Nigel’s Surgery 18: Registration and Partnerships
- Nigel’s Surgery 15: Chaperones
- Nigel’s Surgery 42: Caring for People with Dementia
A) Nigel’s surgery 40: GP Fit Note
This mythbuster has been updated due to COVID-19. If someone is off work or isolating because of COVID-19, they do not need a fit note. Patients may request an isolation note to send to their employer as proof of they need to stay at home, but they can get an isolation note from However, Patients may request a fit note where they have ongoing complications which are related to COVID-19.
Remember that attention must be given to confidentiality and information governance when signing and sending fit notes electronically.
B) Nigel’s Surgery 20: Making Information Accessible
The CQC has updated this mythbuster with information about the Accessible Information Standard (AIS).
The CQC is frequently asked questions about whether Practices are expected to provide information in different formats, access to translation services (written communication) or interpreters (verbal communications). The key is to make a distinction between:
- People who have a disability which makes communicating in spoken and/or written English difficult or impossible, and
- People whose first language is not English
In the Equality Act 2010 there are extra requirements to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people, but there is no reasonable adjustments requirement for interpreting and translation because of race or nationality. However, the GMC’s Good medical practice states that ‘you should make sure that arrangements are made, wherever possible, to meet patients’ language and communication needs’.
The QCS Accessible Information Standards Policy and Procedure also has further information about helping staff improve face to face communication.
C) Nigel’s Surgery 18: Registration and Partnerships
The area of registration and partnerships is one that the CQC often gets queries about. It can be complex, and at QCS we have created a new provider registration policy and procedure and a new Registered Manager Policy and Procedure as part of a suite of registration documents.
This mythbuster outlines some key facts around partnerships you should be aware of to avoid a breach of your conditions of registration, which may in turn trigger enforcement action. Areas to be aware of include:
- When a new partner joins
- When an existing partner leaves
- When a whole partnership changes
D) Nigel’s Surgery 15: Chaperones
This mythbuster gives an update on chaperones being an impartial observer present during an intimate examination of a Patient; and an online, video or telephone consultation does not remove the need to offer a chaperone.
The GMC have published guidance on how to provide appropriate Patient care in online, video or telephone consultations, which includes appropriate use of photographs and video consultations as part of Patient care. The Royal College of Nursing have produced a publication on genital examination in women which includes some useful information on chaperoning, which is applicable regardless of gender.
As a reminder, where intimate examinations are performed a chaperone must be offered and the medical records documented clearly to reflect this. It is also important to record who provided the chaperoning and what part of the consultation they were present for. Therefore, all staff should understand the role of the chaperone and understand the procedures for raising any concerns.
E) Nigel’s Surgery 42: Caring for People with Dementia
A few years ago, the CQC carried out a review of the care that people living with dementia receive, and they continue to make sure everyone living with dementia receives good care. This mythbuster highlights the need for GPs to have a duty to recognise those at risk of dementia and provide timely diagnosis and refer to specialist services. It covers:
- Care planning for people living with dementia
- Support for caregivers
- Premises
- Financial needs
- Further information and signposting