Mental Health Awareness: How QCS staff stay connected and positive during lockdown | QCS

Mental Health Awareness: How QCS staff stay connected and positive during lockdown

Dementia Care
May 21, 2020

Want some ideas on staying positive during the lockdown for your team, download the infographic here.

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Mental Health Awareness Week takes place 18-24 May 2020; it aims to raise awareness of mental health issues and promote positive wellbeing. It provides an opportunity for you and your organisation to add mental health to the wider conversation. 

Especially now that the nation is in lockdown with drastically limited freedoms, keeping yourself mentally healthy is critical. During the Mental Health Awareness Week, QCS have been sharing tips on how to stay positive for different groups. 

Today, we are sharing with you a few examples of how QCS have been supporting the team, to keep everyone feeling positive and connected.

1.Weekly Social Events

We have our weekly social events that are designed and hosted by different teams. A great way to take a short break from work, have fun and stay connected!

2.Coffee Conversations

You know how everyone loves a bit of chit chat at the company’s pantry? Our ‘coffee conversations’ program allows people to continue the pantry chat virtually!

3.Understanding and Trust

QCS trust their team to be outstanding. Sometimes working from home with a pet is not always a distraction!

4.Surprise gifts

Sometimes little things can make your day! QCS have sent everyone surprise Easter chocolates and origami to enjoy since the lockdown!

5.Cheers for Peers!

During Mental Health Awareness Week, everyone at QCS has been sending to each other lovely messages that show their gratitude and appreciation anonymously. A simple way to cheer everyone up!

6.Inspirational speakers

We have invited different motivational speakers to share with the team the importance of mental wellbeing and ways to stay positive.

7.Employee recognition 

Being in lockdown doesn’t stop us from recognising the team’s and individual’s hard work at our virtual company meetings every week!

8.Sharing is Caring

QCS love to share, we have MS Team channels set up where we can share books, movies, podcast and music recommendations!

9.Flexible working

Although we are all working from home, it is important that our team can still go for a walk when it is sunny or spend time with the kids during the day.

10.Be there for each other 

During this difficult time, emotional support is sometimes what needed the most. QCS as a big family, are always here to listen and help one another.