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In this Bulletin:
- QOF Update
- Quality Improvement (QI)
- Weight Management Programmes
- Income Protection
- GP Annual Practice Declaration (eDEC)
- Changes to the GP Contract Legislation
- Appointments in General Practice
- NHS Digital Workforce Census
- Patient Lists
- Network Contract DES
- Primary Care Network Contract DES Amendment
- Shingles Vaccination
- Cervical Screening Administration Service (CSAS)
- NHS England Primary Care COVID-19 Hub
A) QOF Update
i) Quality Improvement (QI)
Quality Improvement (QI) was introduced to QOF for the first time last year but NHS England is conscious that Practices won’t be able to deliver the QI outcomes quite as well as they were envisaged for this year in the documents that were published back in February, so further guidance will be issued very soon.
However, NHS England can modify the early cancer diagnosis and learning disability QI modules to focus on what can be done in relation to COVID recovery, and actions will include:
- Early Cancer Diagnosis
- Engagement with patients, families and carers
- Monitor cancer referral rates, the quality of referral awareness and how that might have changed during the pandemic
- Safety netting
- Care of People with a Learning Disability
- Restoring full operation of annual health checks and increasing the rate of learning disability health checks
- Focus on the delivery of flu vaccinations to those with a learning disability
- Review all DNACPR decisions that may be in place for someone with a learning disability to check they are still appropriate
Further detail about the QI actions is outlined in the QCS Quality Improvement Policy and Procedure.
ii) Weight Management Programmes
NHS England is also asking Practices to commit to making referrals to the existing new weight management programmes because weight is one of the risk factors related to COVID.
iii) Income Protection
The income protection that will be offered against the half of QOF will be put in place with several conditions, including:
- Having a plan that is agreed with the commissioner to identify and prioritise the highest risk patients, and reviewing those who are most vulnerable from harm from COVID-19 for people such as those:
- From a BAME background
- From particularly deprived areas
- Who have got poorly controlled long-term conditions
- With a history of missing reviews
This is consistent with what most Practices are doing already, and you can develop and agree other priority groups with your commissioner.
For the latest QOF guidance, information is available on the BMA website.
B) GP Annual Practice Declaration (eDEC)
There will be a process relating to the eDEC later this autumn, which is a mandatory return for every GP Practice. As a reminder, data is submitted through the Strategic Data Collection Service (SDCS) system annually in October/November.
C) Changes to the GP Contract Legislation 1 October
There are further amendments to the GP contract regulation from 1 October 2020:
- A new requirement for Practices to participate in the Appointments in General Practice data collection, which will collect the data around appointments to reflect General Practice work
- Practices will be able to participate in monthly updates regarding the NHS Digital Workforce Census, to monitor how Practices are getting on with their additional roles, recruitment and other elements of workforce
- The requirement for Practices to support NHS England to fulfil its statutory duties to maintain an accurate and up-to-date list of patients
- Allowing onward subcontracting of clinical services provided under the Network Contract DES, to help Practices deliver services in a practical way based on how they have already arranged service delivery locally
D) Primary Care Network Contract DES Amendment
NHS England will be publishing an amended Network Contract DES for 2020/21 effective 1 October 2020, regarding:
- The delayed Investment and Impact Fund (IIF) payment and new funding at PCN level
- An Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme, role of Nursing Associates and Trainee Nursing Associates
- Confirmation that the Clinical Lead for Care Homes does not have to be a GP
E) Shingles Vaccination
Due to the pandemic, some people who were eligible for the shingles (catch-up) vaccination programme may have turned 80 years and missed the opportunity to be vaccinated because of lockdown or shielding. This cohort can still be offered the shingles vaccine, unless contraindicated, up to 31 December 2020, and the shingles vaccine should still be offered opportunistically to all other eligible people.
F) Cervical Screening Administration Service (CSAS)
Just a reminder, now that the transfer of CSAS admin has been brought back to the NHS, that the quickest and most efficient way of contacting CSAS is by completing an online form.
G) NHS England’s Primary Care COVID-19 Hub
For all the latest NHS England documents and guidance for Primary Care relating to COVID-19, go to