Social Care In Vision (Last update 29.05.20) | QCS

Social Care In Vision (Last update 29.05.20)

Dementia Care
May 29, 2020

To help you keep up to date with the social care sector, we have summarized some of the key highlights from the week. You can download the summary here. 

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Alternatively, please read the highlights here:

A) Test and Trace Has Been Launched 

The Government launched the Test and Trace system this week. This ensures that anyone who develops symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) can quickly be tested to find out if they have the virus, and also includes targeted asymptomatic testing of NHS and social care staff as well as care home residents. It also helps trace close recent contacts of anyone who tests positive for coronavirus and, if necessary, notifies them that they must self-isolate at home to help stop the spread of the virus. You can read more about it here. If you are worried you have been in contact with someone who has symptoms, you can find out more information here.

B) Staying Safe Outside Your Home

Further easing of the lockdown measures was announced on 28th May. The Government have published Staying Safe Outside your Home. QCS have updated fact sheets, policies and easy read documentation to reflect the changes.

C) COVID-19 Testing Expanded

COVID-19 testing has now been expanded so that everyone with symptoms can now be tested, this includes those under the age of 5. The Government website has more information. QCS have updated their policies to reflect the changes.

D) Statutory Sick Pay

The online SSP rebate scheme has been launched and includes employees who are self-isolating because they’ve been notified by the NHS or public health bodies that they’ve come into contact with someone with coronavirus.