The risk of exposure to coronavirus increases when a resident is outside of a care home environment, as such, the service must have a balance between these risks and the benefits to the resident of seeing family and friends.
As the risks increase for older people more than for those of working age, it should only be those of working age that are considered for visits outside of the care home under the current restrictions. Exceptional circumstances, such as end of life visits, must be considered for all residents and actioned where possible.
Care Home Considerations
- The care home is classed as one household
- Individual and whole home risk assessments should be conducted before any outside visits take place
- The service must establish its own policy on outward visits based on the individual needs of all its residents and what is possible with the facilities available at the care home
- The local Director of Public Health and Director of Adult Services can be contacted to discuss safely implementing outward visits
- An outward visit plan must be created detailing the visit arrangements and risk mitigation agreed with the resident, where a visit is agreed
- All members of the household involved in the visit must have a negative COVID-19 test immediately prior to the visit
- The resident must also be tested and any positive results will mean the visit cannot take place
- If an outbreak occurs at the home, all outward visits must be stopped
Residents’ Responsibilities
- Where a visit takes place, the resident must follow all national restrictions in force at the time
- Upon return from the visit the resident must self-isolate for a 14-day period
Outward Visits Plan
Where a visit has been agreed the service should complete an outward visit plan, linking it to the resident’s Care Plan and consider:
- The nature of the planned visit, any intended activities and where the resident will be spending time
- The support needs that may be required by the resident during the visit
- How the resident will be supported to practice good infection control practices, such as social distancing, face coverings etc.
- What is the transport for the visit and how can risks around this be reduced?