Grow your Own Talent | QCS

Grow your Own Talent

March 29, 2018


Finding the elusive gold that is quality manager with the right values and skills is tricky, but to then lose them is a frustration.

We keep hearing that we need strong, qualified, confident leaders, particularly Registered Managers, but there are only so many to go around I hear your cry! Adding to this, almost 50 per cent of Registered Managers will be reaching retirement age in the next 10 to 15 years… the need to nurture the next generation is becoming ever more urgent. We say the key lies in what we have, growing our own leaders.

We need to develop a strong line of leaders who can create, maintain and share a culture that engenders loyalty, respect and lasting relationships, providing high quality care day-in & day-out… you know the ones, the managers that you really rate because their teams respect them and the users of their services appreciate them. They care for those using and those delivering the service in equal measure. Simple isn’t it?

Let’s ask ourselves today, who are our best leaders? Who will ensure that the work is continued and quality of care is maintained?  How many potential managers have we grown from the ground up within our organisation. Are they skilled, capable and, most importantly, motivated to step-up into our leadership roles in the future? If the answer is not enough, then we have work to do!

The mark of an effective leader, is not just what they do, but the leaders that they leave behind, those that have taught, coached and developed to take on their role when they move forward, expand and grow. Building the leadership in all our staff, with a constant eye on who is next for the future.

It starts each member of your teams, what is their potential? How can we develop their capabilities to lead within their role? How can we extend them? How will we make time for challenge within their role? Are we looking and considering their next steps? To decide on their development needs and encouraging learning opportunities for all.

What Can We Do?

Within our organisations, there are so many opportunities available to develop mentoring and coaching from colleagues. Sharing knowledge and problem solving approaches. Encourage, make time and space to talk around mentoring and coaching and genuine sharing in and across teams. Research and train in methods of appreciative enquiry or action learning sets to support teams.

Look outside at networking and sharing best practice across the sector, there are 120 Registered Managers Networks right across the UK. People just like us facing the same challenges with a wider variety of solutions than any one person can think of.

Join National Skills Academy (NSA) for Social Care – the membership body for Registered Managers and go on-line. Seek out the many development tools and resources to high quality leadership development training programmes to support you and your organisation.

So lets open our doors to leadership development opportunities, nurturing leaders and managers at all levels has never been as important as it is right now. Whether they are career-entry graduates, aspiring to, or already in Senior Leadership and Management roles Skills for Care can support your teams at each and every level of the leadership journey to prepare themselves and others to reach their fullest potential.

Having the right number and quality of leaders at every level is no accident and we need to be at least as rigorous in developing talent we are recruiting it, so that people who need care and support can be confident they are accessing high quality care provided by a well-led workforce.

Find out more about the Skills for Care Development Offer for social care leaders and managers and details of specific support for Registered Managers.

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Jayne McCabe

Skills for Care – Project Manager


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