Provider Information Collection – “Evolution not Revolution” | QCS

Provider Information Collection – “Evolution not Revolution”

December 1, 2017


On Thursday Andrea Sutcliffe Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care for CQC, talked in her Column about the new Provider Information Collection which will take the place of the Provider Information Return…or will it?

With just one word change in its title, Andrea points out that “as with the other changes we are making, this is about evolution – not revolution – and making improvements that will simplify processes and reduce duplication for us all.”

‘Testing times’
Currently there are a number of ‘volunteers’ from a range of provider types, sizes, geographical areas and other variables testing and helping to develop the new system.

The difference to the PIR is the PIC will be through an online system which can be updated in ‘real time’ enabling providers to key in changes as they occur rather than just waiting for an annual request having to start from scratch.

How will it happen?
You will be invited onto the system via an email, and CQC ask that your supplied email address to them is correct to enable this.

This is the smudgy part. I can’t tell you when you will be ‘invited to go onto the new system, but CQC say that the system will be introduced gradually from early 2018 with the ‘aim’ of all providers using the system by spring 2018.

CQC say that ‘By taking a phased approach to inviting providers to use the online system, we will be able to continue to test and improve the questions we ask and the process we use to make sure they work for everyone.’

It’s not dead yet!! As it is a gradual process, there will be a transition period, and from 7 December, those not yet asked to join the new system will continue to use the current provider information return. Those providers who are invited to complete the PIR will see a number of updated questions.

I’ve got to say, the updated questions shown hold a few discrepancies here and there (no prizes I am afraid for finding them!) but sharing the draft early is good to see, and I presume, most if not all will form the PIC.

Well…what’s in it????
There are a lot of the same questions (Remember the evolution remark!) But there are also changes which reflect the updates to the inspection framework. Most changes are concentrated around Effective, Well-Led and Safe.

Changes include:
Partnership working
staffing including training

The full list can be found here

It made me chuckle that CQC will ‘invite’ providers to the online system…I am not sure it will have quite the draw and anticipation of the Wedding Invites from Prince Harry and Megan Markle’s big day…but here is to the future! May it be smooth…and mutually beneficial!

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Abi Spence

Registration and Inspection Specialist


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