Handy resources to help you recruit the staff you need from QCS, CQC and Skills for Care.
The CQC is issuing a reminder to care providers of its good practice and resources relevant for recruiting staff.
Via an email, it says registered providers are expected to apply the same processes for staff recruited from abroad (including refugees) as they would for staff recruited in England. It is signposting its resources along with a resource from Skills for Care.
Regulation 19 – Fit and proper persons employed
To meet Regulation 19, providers must operate robust recruitment procedures and undertake any relevant checks.
CQC recruitment checks – Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs to help providers understand what is required to meet Regulation 19.
Guidance on Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks – Section 23
Providers must do all they can to ensure people from overseas are suitable to work with adults who use care services and/or children.
The DBS cannot access criminal records held overseas. However, you can undertake DBS checks for workers from overseas in case a person is barred, has a criminal record in the UK, or comes from a country where the DBS does have information sharing agreements. If you wish to check their overseas criminal record, contact the relevant foreign embassy.
Guide to safe staffing
Skills for Care’s ‘Guide to safe staffing’ assesses CQC inspection reports to help you understand what ‘good’ looks like so you can learn from best practice.
Ultimate Recruitment Toolkit
QCS has created the Ultimate Recruitment Toolkit to help you recruit the right member of staff. The guide aims to make the recruitment process as easy and straight forward as possible for you, reducing time, effort and hopefully some of the costs. Use your new recruitment guide to meet the needs of the CQC safe recruitment requirements and create an effective recruitment process for your business. Customers will find this in the resource centre or request it here.
Interview process
Go that extra mile: Recruitment provides handy tips that ensure you have a great interview process.