Social Care Cost Inquiry - Ageing Population in Wales | QCS

Social Care Cost Inquiry – Ageing Population in Wales

October 9, 2017


The issue of funding the social care sector and its resources, including workforce, will be considered by this social care cost inquiry. The purpose of the inquiry is set out on the Assembly’s website as:
The Finance Committee is undertaking an inquiry into the cost of caring for an ageing population.

Terms of Reference

The purpose of the inquiry is to assess the financial impact of the cost of caring for an ageing population. This is in context of the major economic and strategic challenges facing the Welsh Government in its development of policy:

  •  To examine patterns in demand for social care services for those of pension age. As well as, the related costs of delivery of residential and non-residential care. Taking account of the role of informal carers who provide unpaid services to those requiring care;
  • To examine the financial pressures on the social care system. Such as, increases in wages, automatic pension enrolment and staff recruitment and retention difficulties. Including the related financial impacts arising from the UK leaving the European Union;
  • To consider the financial impact of current Welsh Government policies. This includes recent social services legislation and reforms to social care funding on local authorities, care providers and service users;
  • To consider future social care needs and related costs. This includes the projected increase in the proportion of the population of Wales of pension age;
  • To assess the fiscal levers available to the Welsh Government to reform the arrangements for funding social care. This will include the consideration of alternative models, including international examples, for the funding of social care to ensure a good quality, fair and sustainable service in a time of increasing demands on the health and social care systems; and
  • To consider the findings and conclusions of the Parliamentary Review.

Social Care Cost Inquiry Announced October 3rd

This inquiry was announced on October the 3rd. I have written to the chair of the committee, Simon Thomas A.M. and to Jane Hutt A.M. Responses are invited until 8th of December. It is my hope that providers will take the opportunity to make their concerns known. The link is via the Assembly website and the link to their page is at the bottom of this report.

In my email to Simon Thomas, I have referred to the closing of a local authority home in Aberystwyth, his constituency, and the issues home closure cause for vulnerable people. I also drew his attention to the English language test that foreign nurses must pass as set by the NMC at level 7. I met the Secretary of State for Wales, Alun Cairns, last week and raised this very issue and hopefully he will get Jeremy Hunt MP to use his influence to bring it down from level 7. I understand that the NMC are currently reviewing this level so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

The other issue I raised both with Alun and Simon is that of the numeracy and literacy examination needed by candidates for QCF level 2 if they are publicly funded. Privately funded candidates are exempt from this requirement!


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Mike Kemp

Welsh Regulation Specialist


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