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Fire risk assessments explained
August 13, 2015
Fire risk assessments are undertaken to identify the potential fire hazards and determine what control are to be put in place to prevent, control and manage a potential fire. Legal…
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Fire safety in the workplace
August 8, 2015
‘In 2013-14 there were 322 fire-related deaths in Great Britain. 41% of fire-related deaths in Great Britain were caused by the victim being overcome by gas, smoke or toxic fumes.…
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Health and safety in the garden
July 31, 2015
Summer is a time when nearly everyone likes to spend time outside in a garden (perhaps with the exception of those who suffer from hay fever!) and there are many…
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The Bathroom – Safety First
July 23, 2015
We are all familiar with the contents in a bathroom, so you would think that the bathroom would be considered a safe environment by most people. However, the bathroom is…
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DSE: Display screen equipment management
July 20, 2015
The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 gives a definition of DSE as “display screen equipment” means any alphanumeric or graphic display screen, regardless of the display process…
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Back pain in care home staff
July 10, 2015
The onset of back pain can happen in the workplace. It may be triggered by bad posture while sitting or standing, bending awkwardly, or lifting incorrectly. The majority of personnel…
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Hay fever season
July 1, 2015
It’s the hay fever season. Pollen counts are high and this means those who are prone to allergies are suffering with various symptoms, affecting one in five people at some…
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New CLP classification, labelling and packaging of cleaning and chemical products
June 26, 2015
You may have noticed changes on the labelling of cleaning and other chemical products recently. Pick up any cleaning product and it may have the symbol for ‘Irritant’ or ‘Harmful’…
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