I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions as, in my case and I suspect for many others, they are short lived. I prefer to look forward to the new year ahead and try to visualise how things might look for NAPA, activity provision and the care sector generally.
Many observers of the care sector are predicting a really tough time on financial grounds. The regulator has spoken out and suggested we are at a tipping point. Providers are withdrawing from unviable local authority contracts and social services are stretched to the limit.
So how can we visualise a more positive picture? I believe we can generate change for the better from the grassroots up if everyone recognises that the small contribution they make can add up to significant change, if we all work together. If we put the person we care for at the centre of all of our work – and decision-making – we can make a difference to their quality of life often at little or no cost.
It is the little things in life that matter most to many older people. Research tells us that a good conversation matters more than most things to those living in care.
At NAPA one of our key aims is for every person to have a meaningful conversation every day. We will do everything we can to support this. It would be wonderful if every care setting and sheltered housing scheme would adopt this simple aim too.
Whilst I wouldn’t want to decry the challenges facing us, I do believe that we can still enhance how we care by focussing on talking too and listening to older people.
Let’s make 2017 the Year of the Conversation.