With over 165,000 vacancies in the UK’s adult social care industry, find out how you can attract and retain talent in this current climate and the process of recruiting staff from outside the UK, with our partner Napthens LLP.
What you will learn:
The challenges of recruiting sufficient staff to meet the growing need for care over the coming years are exacerbated by an ageing population and many more people experiencing multiple, long-term conditions.
In this webinar, Jenny Heyes, Head of People Projects at Napthens LLP will talk about how to attract talent in the current climate by considering alternative recruitment methods and reviewing your recruitment process.
Angela Barnes, Business Immigration Specialist at Napthens LLP, will then guide you through the process and procedure for recruiting staff from outside the UK, which will include an application for a Skilled Worker Sponsor Licence (“Licence”), assigning Certificate of Sponsorships to migrant workers and ensuring your business meets its compliance duties and responsibilities and a Licence holder.
The discussion will cover:
- The current state of recruitment in the UK
- Alternative methods to consider
- Creating an inclusive recruitment process
- If a Licence is right for your organisation and the process of applying
You can now catch up on the webinar below: