Improvement Plan 2019-2022
The Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 is now 12 years old. This laid the foundation for multi-agency working to protect vulnerable adults, at risk from harm. The findings in the report by the Care Inspectorate published jointly with Her Majesties Inspectorate of Constabulary (2018) were considered as part of the work already underway in respect of an ASP improvement plan. The Scottish Government has now published the Improvement Plan covering the following 6 areas:
- Assurance
- Governance
- Data and information
- Legislation
- Practice Improvement
- Prevention
The plan details of the activities, outputs, outcomes, indicators, and measurements for each of the above areas.
Some examples of these are:
- A proportionate phased ASP Inspection Plan will be developed to provide assurance that adults at risk of harm are protected and identifies where improvements are required locally.
- The development of induction and training packages as part of Governance activities
- Work will be undertaken to develop a data set for ASP
- Of note under Legislation (policy and guidance), Significant Case Review (SCR) guidance will be developed and published by the Care Inspectorate.
- As part of the legislative review, there will be proactive and reactive roles. These include a review of ASP legislation/policy as well as a contribution to mental health legal review to ensure it will “fit” with ASP.
- In terms of prevention, there will be an evaluation of public awareness about adults at risk of harm, as well as a public awareness campaign, and a review of the effectiveness of the campaign,
- There will be a review of national resources, evaluation of improvements, and the development of a network, with a focus on research into practice network options.
This is an ambitious improvement plan for such a short time period. However, there will be flexibility in its implementation due to other variables, such as the review of mental health legislation.
Providers, managers, and staff have a crucial role to play as part of the public awareness campaign.
Here is a copy of the plan & the joint themed inspection report.