Dear Sheila, I keep hearing about the Green Paper that the Government will be publishing later this year and on Sunday I read in a newspaper that part of the Green Paper will be about the social care workforce. I am always worried about recruiting and retaining staff in my domiciliary care service. The article said that the Department of Health is consulting the sector. How are they doing this?
Dear R,
Thank you for your question which comes at a most opportune moment.
There is a consultation going on which closes on 9th April.
The Department of Health’s website says that: “The outcome of this consultation will feed into a joint health and social care workforce strategy planned for publication this summer. It will also inform the content of the forthcoming Department of Health and Social Care Green Paper on care and support for older people.”
On its website it also says that it is seeking views and evidence on what actions could be taken to address a number of workforce challenges specific to the adult social care sector.
These challenges are;
- Attracting and recruiting into the workforce;
- Improving retention;
- How to improve professional development;
- The role of regulation, and
- Ensuring effective workforce planning
You can read all about this here
There is also a link to a short survey which I think would not take too long to complete.
I believe that it is very important that the provider’s views about the challenges being faced are heard in this consultation so I hope that you will find the time to complete the survey before 9th April.
QCS will of course keep you informed as we hear more about the Green Paper in the coming months.
Best wishes.