What does ‘Care Plan’ mean?
What is the best care plan?
How to review the care plan?
This question was asked in an interview and I could not answer.
Your email concerns me. Everyone in receipt of adult social care should have a care plan. In brief:
Many people will contribute to a care plan for someone who is living in a care home or receiving care at home, and will include the service user or their family or friends, the Registered Manager of the service, the key worker and additionally the Doctor or a specialist nurse or any other professionals may contribute.
The first completion of a care plan will contain a great deal of information about the service user and their life and the life style they have lived. It will also have information about the person’s healthcare and more recent history.
When the care plan is being developed, the person writing will want to know about the wishes and feelings of the service user and pay particular attention to the aspirations of the person no matter how small. The daily living details are important, as is any treatment or medication that has to be taken.
This is a very brief outline of a care plan. The care plan should be reviewed monthly and any changes should be recorded whether temporary or permanent.
The service user or their representative should sign the care plan when it has been completed and should be notified of any changes.
Care plans should be available for reference to all care staff.
Best wishes.