What should I do as I’m nurse in charge with GP round and I have no consultation form written by GP regarding his decision? Despite many fax and phone calls requesting this consultation forms and to be informed about decision I’m not receiving nothing? Can I be accuse of neglect towards my duty of care from relatives, management or even CQC inspectors? I’m desperate and worried ! Thank you!! – Elena
Dear Elena,
I presume that the GP tells you if there is a change in medication. If he doesn’t, who does he tell?
You are right that you have some professional responsibility around your question.
You must take action and that should be to discuss the matter with the Registered Manager.
Together you should agree on a course of action. The responsibility for this, once you have reported it, lies with the Registered Manager.
I assume that you are a member of the Royal College of Nursing, you might also want to take their advice if the Registered Manager is not able to bring this to a successful conclusion.
Best wishes,