Do I need to register with the CQC if, as a self-employed carer, I want to now employ a full time carer to help me with some shifts?
The short answer is yes.
If as a self-employed carer you have a relationship with the individual requiring the care and you work with them directly providing personal care, you do not use any third party to arrange the care, and they personally pay you for the services you provide then you do not need to register with CQC.
As soon as you are employing someone else to provide personal care you will be paying them, and they will be working for you rather than directly working for the person requiring care. So, you will not be defined as ‘self-employed’ and in this situation, you will need to register with the CQC as you are acting as a Domiciliary Care Agency.
However, the above is only true if the person you are employing, is providing personal care, which is a ‘regulated activity’ as defined by CQC.