Do I need to register with the CQC if employing support workers to help carry out treatment plans? | QCS

Do I need to register with the CQC if employing support workers to help carry out treatment plans?

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Answered by Abi Spence

Thanks for your question. You haven’t given me a lot to go on as to what service you are running and what kind of ‘treatment’.

What I can tell you, if you are running a service which includes managing a regulated activity as described here, (which includes managing those support workers who carry out a regulated activity), then you will need to register with CQC.

For information of what is covered in CQC regulation, please look at the Scope of Registration

About Abi Spence

Abi has worked for and with Government agencies relevant to social care for the past 12+ years. Primarily with the Department of Health, Social Services Inspectorate, Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) and since its inception the Care Quality Commission (CQC). As part of this long involvement Abi has developed a wide and detailed understanding of relevant issues and has worked closely with stakeholders such as people that use services, carers, providers, local government, the Department of Health, Ofsted and the Audit Commission.
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