Hi Sheila,
I have a member of staff coming to join my new service. Even though they have recently passed their Health and Social Care Certificate Level 3, do they still have to do the care certificate standards 1-15? I know the new staff members as I worked with them as their Manager and helped them to pass it a few months ago.
The Care Certificate is designed for new staff but Skills for Care says “it also offers opportunities for existing staff to refresh or improve their knowledge”.
Your new member of staff is clearly committed to improving their knowledge having just completed a Health and Social Care Certificate level 3 and also experience and I therefore does not I believe need to formally undertake the Care Certificate although you might like to discuss the standards of the Care Certificate at one of their supervisions.
They will however need, like all new employees, to undertake the induction training specific to your service.
You will know I am sure that there is a great deal of information on Skills for Care Website about the Care Certificate:
With best wishes.