Do youth cautions show on an Enhanced with Barred Lists DBS check?
Thank you for your question. The DBS Filtering Guidance says ‘Youth cautions, warnings and reprimands will not be disclosed automatically on a Standard or Enhanced DBS certificate.’
However, it is also worth noting that the guidance says: ‘In addition to records from the PNC, Enhanced certificates may also include information taken from police records that a chief officer of a police force considers relevant to the application and ought to be disclosed, or details of whether an individual is included on one or both of our two lists barring people from working with children and/or other vulnerable groups.
The disclosure of information taken from police records is subject to statutory guidance to which the police must have regard. In considering this guidance, the police may, in principle, disclose information about offences that have been subject to filtering if they believe the information is relevant to the workforce or position applied for and ought to be disclosed.’