Hi Sheila, I have a criminal record which shows up on my DBS and it is section 20 GBH. I am working in care but very soon the care home wants me to be registered as a manager. Will this affect me?
Dear H,
Thank you for your question.
Like most questions that I am asked this is not a straightforward question.
This is what I think you should consider.
I presume that you are not on the DBS barred list because if you are then you should not be working with vulnerable adults at all.
So if you are not on the barred list you must declare your conviction whenever you are asked the question. I presume that your current employer carried out a DBS check or a CRB check and the conviction is recorded on your file along with a risk assessment.
When the CQC receive your DBS along with all the other papers associated with your application to be a registered manager they will need to consider a number of factors one of which will be your criminal conviction and one of the key points for them to consider will be how long ago the conviction was and that there have been no further convictions.
Amongst the other points that they will consider will be your references, your experience and your qualifications.
I cannot stress enough to you how important it is that you are at all times open and honest about the conviction.
There is an article on the Community Care website that I think you may find helpful:
As far as I can tell from your email the best recommendation is that your employers wish to appoint you to be a Registered Manager.
With best wishes,