Dear Sheila,
I understood from your previous advice, a day care centre is not inspected by the CQC. May I ask you whether a day care centre is required to register and to be inspected if the centre provides respite and personal care.
Dear G,
Thank you for your question.
As you know I have responded to similar questions to yours several times in the last few months.
CQC have this extremely useful document on their website:
The scope of registration published in March 2015.
Page 19 of this document states that:
The regulated activity of personal care consists of the provision of personal care for people who are unable to provide it for themselves, because of old age, illness or disability, and which is provided to them in the place where those people are living at the time when the care is provided. As an example, this includes personal care provided by a domiciliary care agency. It also includes Shared Lives Schemes, in which cases the provider of the scheme is registered for personal care and not the owners or providers of the individual homes (accommodation).
So if you are talking about a day care centre then it cannot, by its very nature, be a place where the service users are living.
There is more useful information on page 21 of the document.
Please come back to me if you feel that you need further advice.
Best wishes.