Hi Sheila, does the manager need to assess the care certificate?
Dear J,
It is the responsibility of the Registered Manager to be sure that all staff completing the Care Certificate have the required skills and competencies as required by all 15 standards.
The Registered Manager is not expected to deliver the training directly or to assess directly but they must be satisfied that the trainer and the assessor that they appoint are competent and that that the competency of the person receiving the training has been properly assessed.
So when the knowledge of the Care Certificate standards has been delivered, then on the job training has to be delivered and then the candidate has to be assessed to be certain that they have the required skills and finally the Registered Manager will need to interview the person to test their knowledge and competence.
This sounds complex and time consuming but I don’t believe that it should be just a series of steps that are required for almost all training in Adult Social Care.
With best wishes.