Hello Sheila, which time in the morning is it the best to get elderly people with different type of dementia up in the morning? Am talking about clients between the age of 60yrs to 100yrs. Thanks.
There is no right or wrong answer to this question.
Each of your residents will have a detailed personalised care plan and part of that plan will be the time they have normally got up in the morning before moving into your care home.
Many residents will continue to get up at the same time as they always have done but like the rest of us, some mornings they will wake earlier than they normally do or may want to have a lie in and of course over time for some people that time may change.
Your work programme will be based around the time that the person normally wakes up but must have some flexibility.
It is more difficult when people do not have mental capacity and decisions about functions of daily life will have to be made for the service user. This should be discussed when the care plan is reviewed with family and friends to make decisions based on what it is believed the service user would want to happen.
Best wishes,