Dear Senga, I work in a care home and we have not yet been inspected with the new framework.
Can you advise how the quality framework can be used by care homes, I am keen to be prepared and get a good outcome when the Care Inspectorate come in to inspect the home.
Dear Anne,
Well done you for looking for ways to improve your service and be prepared for your inspection.
- Firstly, I think the most important principle is to be organised. There is nothing worse than running around looking for documentation and evidence to give to the inspector, this only causes anxiety for you and your staff and does not show your service at it’s best.
- If you have conducted Mock Inspections, have the action plans demonstrating you will address any shortfalls identified, it is important to show you are aware of any issues that require further input, even if not yet complete, demonstrating you are aware and have a plan will be viewed as a positive move. Conducting MI every 6 months enables staff to get used to the process and thus reduce the anxieties that can surround the inspection process.
- Satisfaction surveys from all stakeholders will demonstrate involvement, we advise conducting both every six months, the Mock Inspections and Surveys will give you an estimated grade that you are currently operating at.
- Ensure all minutes of meetings (staff, resident, relatives) are filed with the corresponding action plan, the action plan should have who is responsible and a date of when the action will be complete.
- All audits, complaints and corresponding action plans should be in the managers evidence files. Don’t forget to have a compliments file and show the regulator how happy people are with your service and how good your team are.
I hope this helps and good luck.