Hi Sheila, how many carers should be present in the caring home to look after 10 elderly people with different disabilities?
Dear O,
Thank you for your question. This is a question that I am often asked and there is not a definitive answer.
Care Quality Commission (CQC) Guidance on The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, Regulation 18 on staffing says:
The intention of this regulation is to make sure that providers deploy enough suitably qualified, competent and experienced staff to enable them to meet all other regulatory requirements described in this part of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. To meet the regulation, providers must provide sufficient numbers of suitably qualified, competent, skilled and experienced staff to meet the needs of the people using the service at all times and the other regulatory requirements set out in this part of the above regulations. Staff must receive the support, training, professional development, supervision and appraisals that are necessary for them to carry out their role and responsibilities. They should be supported to obtain further qualifications and provide evidence, where required, to the appropriate regulator to show that they meet the professional standards needed to continue to practise.
CQC guidance goes on to say:
Providers should have a systematic approach to determine the number of staff and range of skills required in order to meet the needs of people using the service and keep them safe at all times. The approach they use must reflect current legislation and guidance where it is available. In determining the number of staff and range of skills required to meet people’s needs, they should consider the different levels of skills and competence required to meet those needs, the registered professional and support workers needed, supervision needs and leadership requirements.
Staffing levels and skill mix must be reviewed continuously and adapted to respond to the changing needs and circumstances of people using the service.
The staffing of a care home is the clear responsibility of the Registered Manager and the Registered Manager must be able to demonstrate how they have calculated staffing levels both for day and night. This should be properly recorded and reviewed as appropriate. The number of personnel deployed as well as the training and qualification of those staff is an important part of how the calculation is made.
Additionally, Registered Managers must also be able to show that when service users have additional needs at any time that they are able to deploy additional staff.
I hope this is helpful.
Best wishes.