Hi Senga, I am a new manager of a care home; I am trying to ensure all staff are trained in various areas. I am unsure on how I am going to get all the necessary training within the budgetary restraints. Can you advise of any free training?
Hello J,
Your first post as a home manager can be daunting indeed and the new responsibilities of managing a budget can be baffling. Firstly, ask other peers for help and advice on how they manage the budget and your line manager should help especially if this is your first post.
However, there are lots of training out there to support health and social care staff.
A great starting point is the SSSC website.
They have a learning zone and various ‘open badges’ Open Badges are digital records of achievements and skills that are tied to assessment and evidence. Unlike paper certificates, Open Badges are manageable online. It is a great scheme, these qualifications follow the individual as well so a great place to get you started.
McMillan offer free training on end of life care and you should contact them for advice.
Various providers of wound care will deliver training for free as will providers of nutritional products.
All staff should be aware of the Health and Social Care Standards, there are videos to help explain them and they can be accessed here.
In one of my other Ask Senga’s I talked about the Duty of Candour, there is an e learning resource here, which is very useful.
Best wishes.