Hi Sheila,
I am a registered nurse working in a hospital, if I apply to be a registered manager in a care home, do I need to do a Level 5 management course?
Hi Kate,
Thank you for your question.
Neil Crawford says “It is not compulsory but CQC inspectors will normally ask for it or the details of an equivalent if not the stipulated Level 5.
Being a Registered Nurse is not normally sufficient on its own and it is preferred that you obtain the Level 5 qualification.
Some of your qualifications, and for example, if you have completed a recent dissertation as part of your nurse qualifications, this could count as RPL (Recognised Prior Learning) towards the current level 5. However, you would still need to complete the additional elements not covered by your RPL.”
I would add that your experience of working with the client group that the care home looks after will also be important. If you have been working with a particular client group since graduation and have taken post-graduation courses that will be helpful.
I would expect CQC to take a holistic view of your current qualifications and experience.
Of course, your nursing qualification is important but you will be expected to have demonstrable management skills too. Your years of experience as a nurse will also be important.
Best Wishes.