Hi Sheila, I am a sole trader providing a bathing and showering service to a number of elderly people. Do I need to be registered with the CQC?
Hi Terry,
Thank you for your question.
I have had to make some assumptions from your question, the most important of which is that you are employed and paid by the person or their relative who commissions your service.
There is an extremely helpful guidance document on the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) website; The Scope of Registration.
On Page 14 there is a part entitled: Individual budgets, individual user trusts and self funded personal care or nursing care
which says:
Where a person, or a related third party on their behalf, makes their own arrangement for nursing care or personal care, and the nurse or carer works directly for them and under their control without an agency or employer involved in managing or directing the care provided, the nurse or carer does not need to register for that regulated activity.
A related third party means:
a) An individual with parental responsibility for a child to whom personal care services are to be provided.
b) An individual with power of attorney or other lawful authority to make arrangements on behalf of the person to whom personal care services are to be provided.
There is also a useful chart on page 21
If you meet these criteria then you do not need to register with CQC.
Please contact me again if you have further questions.
Best wishes.