I am a registered manager of a small care home but planning to transfer into Domiciliary agency.
My question is – can I transfer my registration to the new workplace? I was reading CQC guidelines but I cannot find an answer to my query.
Many thanks in advance
Dear C,
Thank you for your question.
This answer is my opinion.
Your registration as a Manager is related to one provider so if you are transferring within an organisation it may be possible to transfer your registration within that service depending on your experience and expertise. This may not be possible though as you are intending to transfer to a different category of care to the one you are currently registered for. You would need to contact CQC direct if this is the case.
Your question appears though to be about transferring to a new provider. In those circumstances I believe that you would need to make a new application supported by the provider. As you will be known to CQC the process of registration may be more straightforward.
I hope this is helpful.