What are the rules for a care worker who’s been in contact with a carer who’s positive? Do I self-isolate or do I have to show symptoms first?
Thank you for your question. The answer is it depends. If you are showing symptoms , you must definitely self-isolate and get a test. If health and social care staff are providing direct care to a resident with COVID-19 and are wearing the correct PPE in accordance with the current IPC guidance, they will not be considered as a contact for the purposes of contact tracing and isolation, and will not be required to self-isolate for 14 days
It is important to note that the effectiveness of the use of face masks, face coverings, or other PPE for prevention of transmission or acquisition of coronavirus infection cannot be guaranteed in settings other than the provision of direct care with residents. Therefore, the use of PPE in other settings (such as a staff room or canteen) will not necessarily exclude an individual from being considered a close contact. In addition, if social care staff have been in contact with a COVID-19 case and are not following appropriate IPC, including wearing correct PPE, they will be considered as a contact for the purposes of contact tracing and isolation. If you are concerned , you must speak to your manager as guidance is changing frequently.